A credit card is a convenient tool for making payments. You use a credit card for personal expenses and pay the card dues when its statement is generated. Some people delay their credit card dues for a few days, although it is never a good idea since your credit score can get affected, which would cause a problem later when you need a loan.
Clearing credit card payments has become relatively easy as one does not have to step out of the house. There are several ways of making an online credit card payment. Read on to learn more about how to pay a credit card bill online:
You can pay your credit card bill from a bank account through the NEFT (National Electronic Fund Transfer) facility. All you need to do is:
- Log in to the net banking account.
- Go to the ‘Funds Transfer’ tab.
- Select NEFT as the preferred mode of payment.
- Add the beneficiary.
- When you come across the payee account number, fill in your credit card number.
- Once this is done, enter the payment amount and choose the account that you want to pay from.
- If the payment is made during working hours on a weekday, the amount should get credited on the same day.
- However, if the payment is made after working hours, the amount gets credited the next day. You should then receive a confirmation message as ‘Payment Successful.
2. Mobile banking
Many credit cardholders clear their payments online using mobile banking. All they need to do is:
- Download the IDFC FIRST Bank mobile banking app or similar application.
- Use your customer ID to log into it.
- Mobile banking offers all the features one can access in the net banking portal.
- To pay off credit card dues through mobile banking, go to the ‘Credit Card’ tab and click on ‘CC Payments’.
- Once you have selected the amount and the account from which the payment will be made, validate the OTP to complete the credit card bill payment.
3. Net banking
Registration is mandatory for clearing credit card payments online via net banking. Once the registration is complete, you can make online payments through net banking. Customers can access their credit card information and view their credit card statements and unbilled transactions via net banking. You can even link your credit card to your net banking account.
To clear a credit card bill via this mode of payment:
- Open your bank’s website and log in to the net banking facility.
- Visit the ‘Credit Card’ tab and choose ‘Credit Card Payment Option’.
- You can then make the online credit card payment using your bank account.
Lastly, you can also make use of your bank’s auto-debit facility. Download the Auto Debit Authorisation form from your bank’s website to access this facility. After submitting this form to the bank, the amount will be automatically deducted when the monthly credit card statement is generated.